Random ramblings at 25-04-2023
Notes for this day
I had an opening to go in the studio last night and do a test run of the Octatrack live set. Instead I went into the studio and created a patch on the modular. It came out quite nice-ly and I plan to record a track with it. I’d lik e these modular tracks to be as long as a “live set” (somewhere around 45 mins.). But different from the techno vibe in that it’s much more slow moving and changes happen very gradually. There are rhythmic elements though to get things moving - for this track the BPM is 142.
The theraputic value of sitting down in front of the modular and creating a patch from scratch can not be overstated.
I recorded the modular patch from last night, came in at around 16 minutes. Some issues in there at the end but overall it’s in the vain that I want it to be. Gonna start a fresh one tonight, and try to do more with less (lawlz) - as in have the kick on a separate channel, but also feed it into effects to get some of that sweet sweet techno rumble.