Random ramblings at 19-01-2024

Notes for this day


A new year, new things to try and new things to discover. I have discovered that trying to be creative in the evenings is now almost impossible. Your basically to tired to anything - so a some new planning is needed if I want to accomplish / finish any of the million projects I start.

I will start to list these as I get more in the habit of writing. Which in itself is a part of the goal, to sit down more often and write. I have ideas and projects where programming and prose writing interject.


There will also be some videogaming to catch up on. The Switch backlog is pretty wild. But most gaming should be reserved for research into interactive fiction. I’ve set up my old iPad with a keyboard stand and Frotz, for some focused (distraction free) IF sessions.


Currently reading through the PunyInform documentation, some nice-to-know basics in there which I have wondered about for a while, like generating unique ID’s for each release and how the serial numbers should be generated.

Written on January 19, 2024