Random ramblings at 20-04-2023

Notes for this day


I’ve got prior engagements tonight so I’ll have to squeeze in the Octatrack sessions earlier (if I’m going to work on the project at all today)

Another sidequest I’ll be tackling shortly is installing Asai Linux on the M1 Macbook Air. I love the hardware but I’m reluctant to use it because of increased telemetric monitoring that’s been added to MacOS in recent years, it’s a worrying trend that I despise. So much that I prefer to use this laptop, which more than 10 years older but is still going strong and very much upgradeable. Unlike the MBA with it’s built in obsolesence


I’ve consolidated the track in each bank, it’s in a fine place now. I’ve prepared the Octatrack in the studio so it’s ready for recording. I’ll have to set up a Bitwig project for this with mastering & eq, and then do some attempts at a 40-50 minute live set.


I’ve compiled on the x220, the awesome open-source recreations of FastTrack II and ProTracker 2.13 - amazing to be able to run these natively on lower end machines for some sweet tracker action - get them https://www.16-bits.org/index.php!

Written on April 20, 2023